
“My sessions with Jeanette have been enlightening and powerful experiences. She has the ability to create a connection with you, and a higher source, that blesses the person she is working with. During my sessions I can feel an energy buzzing all around and through me. I feel complete peace and love, not one bit of weird or negative energy at any time. I have been able to communicate with my son, who has passed away, and knew without a doubt that is was him. Many personal things were said in detail that only we knew about. My experience was uplifting and beautiful. It gave me peace, comfort and closure. I have always left our meetings with a higher vibration of energy, and with the information and ideas I needed to create the changes I want to experience in my life. I feel Jeanette has become more enlightened over time, through prayer, meditation and being a loving, living example of truth and knowledge. I would highly recommend her to anyone!” – D. D.

“Jeanette creates a beautiful environment that allowed my spirit to feel safe to explore why past traumas were holding me back from the beautiful life I live now. She doesn’t hold back with communicating and digs deep with me to release the things that do not serve me or my higher self. Words can not express the love I have for this woman, She holds the power of unconditional love, healing and inner peace that I think all of us aspire to have. Do not hesitate to reach out to Jeanette she can help guide you to deeper understanding of who you are.” – N. S.

“Jeanette is amazing at what she does. I maintained appointments with her while I was struggling through a divorce. I would end up leaving her place feeling as though I was on Cloud Nine and was able to function in my everyday life. She has an astounding love for everyone around her. I have learned many things from her. She has changed my life drastically. I love how she would show me different ways of looking at situations. I remember a time when I was going through an illness and she helped me work through the emotions behind it, so I didn’t need to go see the doctor. I would highly recommend scheduling an appointment with Jeanette because she is amazing at what she does! She truly is a friend that I will cherish for the rest of my life.” – D. P.

“Jeanette is a very gifted, intuitive woman! I had heard many great things about her, so I decided to give her a shot and I am so glad I did! She helped me release negative energy that I had been holding in for many years. She knew exactly what I needed and was able to help me more then I expected. Jeanette is the kind of person that makes you feel good just by being in her presence! I can’t wait to go back to see her again and would highly recommend her to anyone and everyone!!” – K. S.

“I AM” Eternally grateful for Jeanette, for her Love, Strength and Divine Presence. Over the past 7 years, I have had the opportunity to have multiple consultations with Jeanette.  In each and every experience I was able to receive absolute clarity on any and All questions or energetic blocks I was going through each visit. I experienced total transmutation and clearing of any and All Blocks or Energetic cords that were holding me back or distracting me from life. The depths of Soul healing go beyond words. Thank you From the Very Depths of my Heart and Soul for sharing your wonderful Blessings!” – S. P.

“Jeanette has a real gift for listening and helping one find the answers to your questions within yourself. My time in session with her has been very empowering and I highly recommend her to anyone who is willing to look within to deal with life’s challenges.” – S. B.

“Jeanette has been such a blessing in my life. I have been going to see her for about 10 years. From my very first session, I knew she was special. At the time, I was on anti-depressants and had been suffering from postpartum depression and anxiety. She was able to help me identify the sources causing a lot of my suffering and through various types of work, we found parts of myself that needed healing. She helped guide me on how to heal emotionally and taught me exercises that I could continue on my own going forward. Not long after that I was able to go off of all of my prescriptions and am able to identify now when I need to recenter and reconnect with myself before any feelings of depression or anxiety return. Every single session since then has been something different, yet equally beneficial for me. Every single time I go see her, it is always exactly what I need in that moment. She is extremely gifted and I will be forever grateful for her beautiful soul and the gift she’s been in my life.” – J. T.

“I’ve come to learn over my 46 years, that life weaves threads that we don’t see until we look behind us and see the incredible tapestry that has formed.  One of those threads led me to Jeanette who shared her gift with me without asking, without even knowing I was receiving a gift when we met during breakfast with a mutual friend.  A year or so later my newly married daughter followed her intuition to seek Jeanette’s services, and expressed to me how Jeanette helped her.  The next time I came to town, I brought my other daughter with me, and we went to see Jeanette in a professional capacity.  My purpose in going was more because I had the opportunity, not because I felt desperate for help.  Jeanette has the ability to make you feel at ease from the moment you meet.   During this session, once again, I did not comprehend the threads being woven, and, without any expectations, Jeanette gave me a priceless gift.  I realized that for quite some time I had been looking at my daughters and feeling critical of them because of their imperfections, mostly because their imperfections reflected my own failures.  When I left Jeanette, it was like the first time I got glasses; I didn’t know there was so much to see!  My blinders that I didn’t know I was wearing miraculously melted away and quite literally, it was like a light switch turned on and I saw my daughters for the beautiful beings they are; no more critical filter.  And the beautiful thing about this is the switch has stayed on since, going on a year later.  Jeanette’s real gift to me was to help me give myself permission to accept love, which in turn enables me to love them unconditionally.  My daughter-in-law also went to see Jeanette, and came away blessed.  Over the past year, I’ve contacted Jeanette by phone and inquired for her guidance for my husband’s health; her intuition was spot on.   I have trusted Jeanette with my whole family; she is truly an angel.  She has incredible insight, compassion, and understanding, but more than that she has a remarkable ability to help others to tap into their own power and experience healing.” – N. M.

“Every time I see Jeanette, I have the most amazing experience. She helps me dig through my past, uncover my “why,” take my power back, and helps me feel so empowered. I also love that she educates about our brains and why we feel the way we do. She creates such a safe environment and makes talking about hard things feel like it’s okay. She truly listens and is so present there with you. After I leave from a session, I feel like a million pounds has been lifted from my shoulders. It’s the best feeling ever to be able to talk to someone that hears you, sees you, and feels you. I will always 100% recommend everyone to see Jeanette. She truly has a gift.” – M. S.

“I met Jeanette after my father had passed away unexpectedly.  During our first session she mentioned things that nobody could know except my father and I, that confirmed she was communicating with him.  She was such a great comfort in her work and brought such peace that would last for days after the sessions.  Jeanette helped me move through my panic attacks which had been plaguing me for years.  She helped me through some really tough times emotionally and always helped me see another side to the situation.  I am forever grateful to have Jeanette in my life to be a support and friend.  She has used her gift to help so many of my family members.  I have referred several of my friends to see her as well. She is a wonderful person to have as a resource.” – K. T. P.

“There will never be enough words for what Jeanette has done for me since I met her. Initially I went to her for help with the grief I was going through after losing my dad. Since then I’ve been able to move through incredible sadness, blockages with my mom/family, a new self esteem, realizations about stories I had from childhood that just weren’t true, and opening my heart back to the world. How do you put into one paragraph how a person has changed your life? She’s told me that this was up to me and that I did the leg work, but I don’t know where I’d be if I didn’t have her offering a new way to look at situations I thought defined me. Literally every aspect of my life has changed since I’ve known her. How she explains things in ways you can understand, is mind blowing. If you want to change your life and are ready to do the work, Jeanette is a fantastic person to have in your corner.” – V. W.