Jeanette Collins was born into a large family of 46 siblings. She was raised in a polygamist culture and home schooled. From a very young age, Jeanette was ambitious and passionate about anything she set her heart on. Life growing up for Jeanette was fraught with intense challenges and she had a home with many versions of abuse – physical, sexual, emotional and deep psychological. Jeanette left home at 17 and married to leave that environment. She discovered that you can’t run from anything and learned, in another environment, how to stand up and be accountable for all her life decisions. This had been a long journey of dark nights of the soul, and depression. At the age of 31, she had a life altering experience that propelled her into her own self-healing.

Jeanette has been working one-on-one with clients on self-empowerment and self-healing for 15 years. She has written a children’s book entitled, “The Traveler and The Factory”. It was written to guide children of all ages into the knowledge that, the only true teacher we seek, is inside us. Jeanette has spoken to audiences, as well as small groups, about personal transformation. Jeanette also has her own podcast on You Tube and Spotify called The Janetic Code, this was designed to assist others in transforming their own lives one podcast at a time. Her own life experiences have inspired many. The tools and exceptional skill she has with listening to each client, is a catalyst for true change. Experience is the best teacher and is the drive behind all that she does in her work.

When people begin to have their own experiences and discover the incredible power they have to change their lives, they are a force to be reckoned with”. Jeanette knows this power intimately and thrills at the advances of others in their own discoveries of self-empowerment.

She currently lives in Utah with her 5 children.

“When people begin to have their own experiences and discover the incredible power they have to change their lives, they are a force to be reckoned with.” ~JCollins

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